The 7 Keys of Facebook Advertising Success

The 7 Keys of Facebook Advertising Success

If there’s one thing that’s true, it’s that Facebook advertising has asteep learning curve. It’s much more complex than the AdWords search and thedisplay network(even though that’s pretty complex too).

But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t roll up your sleeves and take advantage of some Facebook advertising keys that your competitors are sleeping on.

That’s why KilentBoost, a leader in the PPC community have partnered withAdEspresso, a leader in the Facebook advertising world, to bring you our seven favorite tips and tricks to seriously bring true ROI that outshines any other PPC channel you’re using.

Are your ready to unlock the door of your ROI?

One of them is that Google AdWords is a very web 1.0 type of advertising method. People search, they get results, they click, they buy.

Facebook is more web 2.0 (or web 17.0 if we’ve already passed the 2.0 phase) with the ability to target people who aren’t searching, but very much interested in what you have to offer.

Facebook helps generate and capture demand, while AdWords search mostly just captures demand that’s already there.

This means that advertisers with novel products will have a hard time with AdWords since demand isn’t already there. It needs to be generated first.

In addition to that, you might find that Facebook has a few other tricks up its sleeve:

And the list goes on.

Facebook frequently outperforms Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest as well.

The ability to createcustom audienceswithin the Facebook advertising platform is the main reason why we at KlientBoost and the people at AdEspresso are so in love ????.

Not all your visitors will convert the first time they visit your landing page. But there are plenty of micro conversions that take place before the actual macro conversion happens.

These small engagement metrics (also known asmicro conversions) help you see if your targeting and audience is on track to eventually convert.

With Facebook conversion tracking, you’re able to see how close your visitors get to perform the actions you want.

It could be that certain audiences enter your funnel in different stages, so that helps you test different offers.

Youractual Facebook funnelwill work much better once you realize that your visitors need to be treated like you’re about to go on a date with them.

You don’t ask for too much upfront, you just want them to know who you are and leave them with a pleasant experience.

That’s how all demand generation efforts on Facebook should start.

Once you know that, you’re able to createsmaller segmented audiencesfrom your bigger ones around engagement levels, URLs, actions, or even email addresses.

Is your customer base usually made up of soccer moms that love to drink rosé or newly baked dads that have gorgeous beards (not that that’s me or anything)?

By creatingdifferent groups of audiences, you’re able to have them compete against each other within Facebook. You can then diagnose and see how they each perform and which ones you should allocate more budget to.

We wrote about post aboutbuyer personasand how you can create different ones.

Maybe you already have a steady email list you can upload to Facebook to create a lookalike audience. Or maybe you need to build an audience base from the ground up with different types of interest targeting.

Keep in mind that most audiences also enter your funnel in different stages:

The amount of people you can target and the amount of quirky audiences you can create on Facebook is astounding.

With almost 2 billion users, Facebook boasts some of the most detailed insights and data on each one of its users.

It’s just up to you to figure outwhich audience has the best chance of conversion.So how do you do that?

I wrote a post around49 Facebook targeting tipsthat we frequently go to for new inspiration and also to know what’s possible within Facebook.

Here’s a quick breakdown of the different types of audiences you’ll find:

Have a look at thisFacebook targetingpost and you’ll start to feel the wheels turning pretty quickly.

One of the biggest challenges you’ll have with Facebook advertising vs AdWords search is that AdWords search visitors can come through and buy right away.

Facebook visitors,not exactly the same.

That’s why building out your plumbing and having a fully functional Facebook funnel is critical to your advertising success and your scalability.

A good friend of mine,Ryan Stewart, recently hosted a Moz whiteboard Friday exactly on the topic of the Facebook funnel.

You can watch the full episode here:

In a nutshell, you should strongly consider the inclusion and exclusion of audiences as they perform actions that show they’re ready to go on to the next step, and the next offer of your funnel.

What we’ve found to work extremely well for our clients is a funnel that looks like this below, and paired with progressive call to actions that increase in “the ask” over time:

As your Facebook visitors progress through your funnel, it’s important to have an arsenal of different call to actions and offers as they go fromcold strangers to hot prospects.

When I was speaking at Elite Camp in Estonia this summer, I broke down the different types of offers/CTAs we found that work best from a scale of cold to hot –it looked like this:

Depending on your Facebook audiences, you’ll find that certain types of Facebook advertising campaigns work best with certain types of offers.

This is because the intent of your visitors and their chance of conversion depend on thePPC traffictemperature match between the two.

If you’ve made it this far, then there’s a good chance you’re getting conversions and having some Facebook success.

The next thing is to make sure you’re profitable.

Once you’re profitable, you want to start thinking of expand your Facebook advertising efforts.

You can use theAudience Insightstool from Facebook to see what your current visitors are made up of.

This will help you create new audiences around the current, well performing audiences, you already have.

Another way to uncover scalability is to use Facebook’sGraph Search.

Using Graph Search, you’re able to find these entities that are related to the topic you want to target:

Keep in mind that the goal of expansion is to increase your conversion volume while keeping your cost per acquisition steady.

It’s easy to expand and spend a lot more money, without much to show for.But much harder to scale and stay profitable at the same time.

So now that you know the stages of a successful Facebook advertising campaign and the ways to grow your ROI, the best thing you can do is stop reading and start doing.

The faster you’re able to learn what works and what doesn’t, the faster you can start growing your business.

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