How to Create Engaging Long-Form Content That Keeps People Reading

How to Create Engaging Long-Form Content That Keeps People Reading

To keep people reading, your long-form content must be engaging. You can do this by using strong storytelling, providing valuable information, and making it easy to read — creating content that people will absorb from beginning to end.

Years ago, the average blog post was about 500 words. But those days have passed. Today, long-form content is king and the average blog post length has steadily increased. The marketing software company HubSpot ran an analysis in 2021 that showed that although some of its blog posts were as short as 300 words, its most-read blog posts all clocked in at more than 2,000 words.

Here are just a few reasons to write long-form content:

It provides more value. When you write long-form content, you have more space to provide value to your readers. You can include more information, anecdotes and examples. This helps your readers learn more about the topic and makes them more likely to return for future posts.

It's more engaging. Long-form content is more engaging than short-form content. Why? Because it provides more opportunities for the reader to get involved. You can ask questions, pose challenges, and share stories that keep the reader engaged from beginning to end. It could be a blog post, an article, or even a book. The key is that it provides more value to the reader than your average blog post or article.

Long-form content can rank better in Google. Google prefers content that covers a topic more thoroughly than competing pages, according to one SEO expert.

It establishes you as an expert in your field. Pithy tweets may get you noticed, but the way to establish true authority in your field is to back it up with in-depth content.

1. Plan your article before you write it.

The first step is to come up with a catchy headline. The title of your article is essential because it's what will attract people's attention. It should intrigue the reader and make them want to learn more.

Once you have a title, you need to develop a structure for your article. Most articles follow a basic structure: introduction, body, and conclusion.

The introduction should introduce the article's topic and state why it's essential. The body should then detail the topic, explaining each point in turn.

When you're starting to write a piece of long-form content, it's essential to develop a strong opener. You want to capture your reader's attention and make them want to keep reading. There are a few different ways to do this:

You can start with a shocking statistic or surprising fact. For example, "Did you know that 95% of people who set New Year's resolutions don't stick to them? Here's how you can be one of the 5%."

Another option is to tell a story. This could be your own story or someone else's relevant story to your topic.

For example, "I was scrolling through my Facebook feed when I saw this post from my cousin. She had just finished her first marathon, and she looked so proud."

You can also ask a question.

3. Use visuals to break up the text.

One way to make your writing more engaging is to use visuals. Images and videos can break up the text and help keep readers interested. They can also provide additional information or clarification.

When using visuals, choose relevant ones to your topic that will add value to your content. Also, make sure that they are correctly formatted and sized so they don't distract from the text.

Including visuals in your content can help keep readers engaged and improve the overall quality of your writing.

When writing for the web, it's essential to keep your content engaging. You want to hold your reader's attention from beginning to end, and there are a few simple techniques you can use to make sure your writing is as enjoyable as possible.

One way to keep your reader engaged is by using strong verbs. Instead of saying, "I walked down the street," try, "I strolled down." This makes your writing more active, but it also makes it more interesting to read.

You can also add some sensory details to help bring your words to life. For example, instead of saying, "The room was dark," try, "The room was dreary and dark."This will give your readers a better sense of what's going on, and it will help keep them interested in what you have to say.

One of the best ways to ensure you're putting out high-quality, long-form content is to use helpful tools and resources. These can range from outlining and planning tools to resources that help with research, writing, and editing.

There are several great outlining and planning tools available online, like Coggle or Miro. These tools can help you map out your ideas and create a plan for your article before you start writing. This can help you stay organized and on track while writing, which is especially helpful for longer pieces of content.

By following the tips provided in this article, you can create long-form content that is engaging and informative.

When writing in a journalistic style, you should aim to keep your readers hooked until the very end.

You can help your readers learn something new by providing valuable information while also keeping them entertained.

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