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How to Create a Content Marketing Strategy: 10 Vital Elements

How to Create a Content Marketing Strategy: 10 Vital Elements

We’ve talked on the blog for years about how to create a content marketing strategy before jumping into writing. Still, when I bring this up in conversations, I notice that the...

10 Reasons You Need A Long-Term Content Strategy

10 Reasons You Need A Long-Term Content Strategy

It’s no secret that content is time-consuming. However, some marketers are so focused on whittling down that time, on cutting corners just to “get something out,” that they...

How to Structure Your Creative Team

How to Structure Your Creative Team

Having a creative role on an enterprise content team doesn’t mean you don’t need structure, processes, and workflows to produce. While creativity isn’t synonymous with effective...

Creating Content That Satisfies Search Intent & Meets Customer Needs

Creating Content That Satisfies Search Intent & Meets Customer Needs

When thinking about optimizing content, your top priority should be search intent. Think about how many times you have typed something into Google that was practically...

7 Formats for Creative Content Marketing

7 Formats for Creative Content Marketing

I'm going to take a wild guess and say that when content was addressed in your last marketing meeting, the next part of the discussion involved brainstorming for a written piece...

What's Brand Storytelling and Why Do You Need It? - Carla Johnson

What's Brand Storytelling and Why Do You Need It? - Carla Johnson

What’s Brand Storytelling and Why Do You Need It? August 11, 2016 by Carla Johnson Frustration. I’m hearing more of it and not just from marketers – but from executives as well....

Seven Elements of Compelling PR and Social Media Storytelling

Seven Elements of Compelling PR and Social Media Storytelling

I took several creating writing courses back in junior high and high school. For a while, as a teen, I even considered pursuing a career as a novelist—until I did some research...

How dopamine fuels the golden rule of content marketing

How dopamine fuels the golden rule of content marketing

Anticipation is marketing gold – and dopamine is the currency that leads to a richer bottom line. Do you have the Midas touch? As a marketing professional, you’re interested in...

How to Implement a Splintered Content Strategy

How to Implement a Splintered Content Strategy

Content makes the marketing world go round. It doesn’t matter what your overarching marketing strategy looks like – content is the fuel source. You can’t go anywhere without it....

Does Your Content Reflect Your Company Culture?

Does Your Content Reflect Your Company Culture?

Do your content and company culture align? No matter what your company’s story and mission, your content should reflect those values. American corporations are a rich tapestry...

How to Measure Social Media Results

How to Measure Social Media Results

If you're like most marketers, you're adopting social media as an increasingly integral part of your content strategy. Last year, nearly 92% of marketers working at companies...

Why Your Site Loses Rank When it has the Most Backlinks

Why Your Site Loses Rank When it has the Most Backlinks

You’ve spent weeks (maybe even months) migrating or updating your company website. It’s well-optimized and has a strong backlink profile.  And then you see Google is ranking...