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Let's Talk About WordPress
If we talk about Wordpress, it is normal for us to think that it is a tool that only serves to create web pages. It is not like this. This tool goes much further, the Wordpress services are more extensive and in this post we will explore a little about them. 
WordPress also has the characteristic of being a free and open source software project that depends on the WordPress Foundation, a non- profit foundation that is led by Matt Mullenweg, the founder of WordPress. 
We talk then that it is a code that is created and maintained by a community of thousands of volunteer developers and that you can have the application completely free. 
Thus, when content is written with a certain frequency, when someone accesses the website, they can find all that content in chronological order. 
WordPress.com and WordPress.org are a more than ideal tool for beginners in blogging and web design, or for those who do not have much technical knowledge. 
WordPress has a system of plugins, which allow to extend its capabilities, in this way a more flexible CMS is achieved. 
As we announced at the beginning of this article, Wordpress allows you to create, in addition to a blog, business websites, online stores, digital newspaper, reservation center, among other things. 
What Are Plugins? 
Because it is a software for which there is no charge and because of its open source it has been one of the main factors in the success of WordPress. 
Another of the great factors has been its architecture, which, thanks to the WP themes and plugins, is flexible, which has allowed WordPress to be adjusted to practically any need for the user. 
Plugin is a very popular term to refer to a software component, code, with a very specific functionality that is very easily added to an existing application to extend it with this new functionality. 
This idea is also used in many browsers that allow the use of add- ons that are also called extensions, add-ons, among others. 
In the repository of WordPress plugins you will find more than 50,000 free plugins for WordPress to add all kinds of functionalities to the original WordPress brings and that is relatively basic. 
Having explained this, we can then recall some of the advantages of using this tool: 
- It's Free - many others charge or have restrictions, this is not the case with Wordpress 
- Easy To Use - This is a fairly "friendly" tool, it is not necessary to have highly technological knowledge to handle it. 
- Multiple Authors - In WordPress you can appoint editors or administrators who can perform different tasks, such as creating content or editing the page. 
- Pages - You can create as many pages as necessary for the description of the web or blog. There are no limitations whatsoever. 
- Topics - When creating a website or blog, we want to describe what we report in the best possible way. And the main characteristic of a good description is to unify the content with the design. WordPress offers many themes that will allow us to choose the one that best suits our needs. 
- Programming - We can generate content and schedule it to be published at the exact time we choose.
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