Reasons to Invest in Digital Marketing

Reasons to Invest in Digital Marketing

Digital marketing has become one of the most effective ways of reaching out to new customers. This is because a lot of people are using the internet and they’re doing so using their phones. For a brick and mortar business, you might be unsure if investing in digital marketing is the right thing you should be doing. If you’re still on the fence, here are some of the reasons why you should be investing in digital marketing for your business.

Digital marketing has a way better ROI compared to traditional forms of marketing. It provides the opportunity to compete with Fortune 500 companies because there is a level playing field. You also don’t need to have millions of dollars in ad spend in order to reach out to potential customers. 80% of the digital content that is being consumed is video-based. According to statistics, 85% of internet users are likely to purchase a product after watching a video.

One of the main reasons why you should start investing in digital marketing is because you get to interact with the target audience without having to worry about the efforts going to waste. With traditional forms of marketing, it will be hard to segment the market and you’re never sure if the intended message is reaching the right audience. You get to spend less time and money finding the right audience. You just have to make sure that you’re working with a company like Web Chimpy SEO if you’re to see results with digital marketing endeavors.

It is not long ago where you couldn’t do much with digital marketing because of the reach. Things have changed in the last decade or so and nearly everyone has a phone that can be used to access the internet. The geographical distance used to be one of the growth impediments for small and medium-sized businesses but not anymore thanks to the power of the internet. When you set up your website, it will act like an online storefront and you can reach out to customers that are not necessarily in the same geographical area.

With digital marketing, you’re able to know the campaigns that are performing and those that need improvement. Having such data will give you insights into where you should be focusing your energy. It is possible to get actionable reports based on the data you’ve collected from running the campaigns.

With digital marketing, it is possible to create accounts on social platforms and engage with your customers. This makes for a personalized branding experience. You can take advantage of what AI has to offer to send personalized messages to your customers. If the messaging is right, it will be easy to turn the audience into loyal customers that are advocates of the brand.

You’re likely to see an increase in traffic when you’re ranking in the SERPs. With SEO, get to dominate the first pages of search engines. Let’s say you have a 5% conversion rate. Having an extra 1000 visitors to your website could lead to a substantial increase in revenue. With SEO, you’re able to target the right audience so that you’re seeing an increase in organic traffic.

There are millions of new internet users on a yearly basis. That means that you’ll always have a market for your goods or services. Your competitors are already ripping the benefits of investing in digital marketing and you’ll be losing a lot if you’re yet to take advantage of what it has to offer.

Customers can reach out to you and expect a response. It is possible to have a conversation with your audience with the help of social media and other platforms that allow seamless connectivity. You get to obtain insightful data because of the interactive nature of the internet. Your clients are likely to be the most objective critics and it is important that you’re listening to them in order to provide a better product or service.

Getting The Right Digital Marketing Agency

As much as there are benefits of investing in digital marketing, you’re not likely to see any gains if you’re working with the wrong digital marketing agency. Take your time to do research as you’ll not want your hard-earned money going down the drain because of ineffective digital marketing campaigns. A good marketing agency is one that makes it a point to understand your business and is results-driven.

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