How To Use AI To Build & Streamline Marketing Strategies For Clients | Agency Accelerated

How To Use AI To Build & Streamline Marketing Strategies For Clients | Agency Accelerated

If your team could create better marketing strategies for your clients faster than ever, how would that impact your business?

With the rise of AI and automation, it’s no longer enough just to have a strategy. You need to create a personalized one that works for each client—and you need to do this at scale.

To succeed in today’s business world, your agency needs an edge over other marketers and agencies. This interview will give you some ideas on using AI and automation software to improve and personalize your client strategies, making them that much more effective.

Welcome back to Agency Accelerated with Agorapulse, where we explore ways to grow and scale your agency with some of the most trusted brands in the industry.

We are live Wednesdays this quarter at 2:00 pm ET / 11:00 am PT on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn. Make sure to subscribe on the Agorapulse website so you don’t miss any of this season’s exciting episodes.

In today’s episode, I’m joined by Anne Cheng, the CEO of Supercharge Lab. This cognitive AI technology company uses psychological profiling, powered by AI and NLP, to create valuable outcomes for clients.

Anne is a serial entrepreneur, and she has sold two of her previous startups. She’s also the founder of Startup Nation, a Southeast Asian angel investment fund. Through her experience in the startup ecosystem and consulting through nonprofits, Anne has worked with large conglomerates and various startups and emerging technologies.

We’ll discuss how digital marketing agencies can actually leverage artificial intelligence to build and streamline marketing strategies for their clients, and what that even means.

Supercharge Lab is a cognitive AI company that uses data and deep learning to analyze the psychological approach to decision making.

By applying that information and knowledge of the psychological approach of every single individual in an audience to sales and marketing messages, they can then improve results and campaign ROIs.

“Businesses today struggle to resonate with their audiences. Supercharge Lab strives to solve that problem by helping brands understand what their audiences need before deciding to engage.” – Tweet This

Supercharge Lab has created a unique AI engine called Sigmund, which scrapes breadcrumbs of information left by humans all over the internet.

As long as you have a digital presence, Sigmund can pick up on your trail and form a thesis of a psychological profile. Then, Supercharge applies that thesis to the messaging to create a more effective form of outreach and communication for specific audiences.

The breadcrumbs that Sigmund picks up on are not necessarily the content you create or the words you post. It’s how you write those words and how you distribute content. In short, Sigmund can predict the voice inside your head. What Supercharge aims to do is detect that voice to determine how you approach decision-making.

For example, if you’re a social proof person and drop many names, they’ll know you are likely to go straight to reviews. You look for testimonials because you want information about who else is using the solution. With that information, Supercharge may show a product to you with a caption like, “Trusted by Kim Kardashian.”

“Sigmund is an artificial intelligence that detects who you are and your view of yourself, to tell Supercharge Lab what marketing ads to show you and how to set them up.” – Tweet This

Marketing is not always about what content you show to your audience. What makes Supercharge Lab unique is that Sigmund looks at the process of how people speak. The AI truly deconstructs how you communicate to determine how you formulate content based on your decision-making strategy.

Sigmund picks up on content styles such as:

As consumers, our approach to decision-making is not as fluid as we’d like to think. Between 90–95% of today’s behaviors are very stable and automatic, especially in a professional environment.

Brands need to tell their audience what they want to hear. A social proof-driven person needs to consume content in a different way than a process-driven person. When you understand your customers’ motivation or decision-making strategy, that’s when you will make a sale or sign a new client.

For agencies who have been working in traditional sales and marketing for a while, let’s back up and talk about artificial intelligence.

We need to deconstruct the idea that artificial intelligence is scary. In fact, it’s really simple. It’s just a tool that does all the dirty work for you: the work you do every day, on repeat; the tasks you hate to do like scheduling or research.

AI takes away the automatic behavior and tasks you don’t like so you can do the work you enjoy, like creative work, strategic work, critical thinking, and connecting with people. So, while AI currently handles all of your repeatable tasks, the future of AI aims to take on more humanistic tasks like content creation and strategy.

Supercharge Lab hopes to take all the data points scraped by AI technology and put them into one button that you can click at a fraction of the cost as other competitors. The ability to access new technology to help automate the tasks you don’t want to do is incredible.

One unique aspect of artificial intelligence is allowing businesses and agencies to achieve personalization at scale. And, personalization helps agencies authentically resonate and connect with consumers.

Personalization through AI is a two-step process. First, agencies need to target their customers better by adding more customer attributes to understand their audience.

For example, if you create a Facebook ad or start a LinkedIn campaign, you already have many customer attributes. But, if you add more psychological- or outcome-driven attributes, it will be easier to predict behavior.

The second way AI can help personalization is in the creation of content. By using the right brand voice to create ad copy and messaging, agencies can resonate better with the audience they made in the first step.

When you work on these two steps hand-in-hand, personalization at scale is simple with AI. It translates into more effective campaigns and better ROIs for businesses across the globe.

As marketers and agencies, we’re constantly trying to streamline processes and systems. Using AI to focus on personalization at scale and create individual customer journeys is huge.

Artificial intelligence also helps assess different information, which creates different ways to understand your audience.

For example, Affectiva was recently acquired by Smart Eye. This technology company uses AI to detect emotion, and use facial recognition and facial cues to understand if a person is in a positive, emotional state. The input data is something called computer vision.

There are many different types of input data, including computer vision, facial recognition, voice technologies, and more. When AI is applied to these types of data, companies can understand exactly the right kind of message to give to the right individual at the right time.

When AI is applied iteratively to data sets with millions of customer data points, it can form a thesis of audience preferences such as behaviors, triggers, and inclinations that result in the customer taking action.

“Sigmund operates by analyzing text-based contextual information and relying on millions of customer data points. They use this data to understand the types of information that trigger behavior like a purchase, engagement, or conversion.” – Tweet This

By understanding what motivates a customer to make a decision, brands can better position themselves and their messaging. This is something that AI has been expanding on over the years, and it continues to evolve into a technology that is easier, cheaper, faster, and more accessible.

There are even AI platforms out there that you can use to create content or conversation flows. In marketing today, you are taught to advertise solutions. Content-creating AI has exploded in popularity over the last few years because it helps make your ad copy fast and easy.

AI can save you time by researching what your competitors are doing and keyword opportunities. It can also predict audience behavior based on your creative copy. AI can help form new headlines, ads, and CTAs.

The workflow is simple. First, you enter your “approved” content and describe the event, product, or solution you’re trying to market. Then, you choose your use case and hit go. The bots will suggest pieces of content you can choose from and edit as you see fit.

The primary purpose of AI-created content is to help you reduce the time it takes to do creative work. It is not supposed to replace creativity altogether because obviously, you will need to descript your product and solution, but it should help take the grunt work out.

If you struggle to figure out what words to use, what keywords are necessary, or how to optimize headlines, AI could help you start a creative piece. In short, it enables you to eliminate the grunt work so you can create the groundwork.

Many digital marketing agencies have various brands they work with, and each client has different needs. So, how can we use AI to create complete marketing strategies?

With AI becoming more powerful and evolving every day, the development of AI-driven engines has become increasingly more democratized.

Through Sigmund, Supercharge Lab creates an end-to-end solution for clients. Their goal is to do everything from creating strategies, channel campaigns, running programmatic bids, serving ads, and more on one sleek and clean solution.

Traditionally, creating a vigorous strategy takes many hours at the drawing board. However, with the inclusion of AI, today, that vigorous strategy is as easy as a few clicks.

The Supercharge Lab platform allows for installing simple code on a client’s website, which Sigmund can use to dynamically drive strategies based on the individual client’s needs and objectives. They achieve this without the client needing to define their audience, write ad copy, or even select the platform to serve ads.

By inserting a piece of code on the website with the specific objective, the AI will suggest the strategy you should use. It will also analyze and measure the different metrics every day and tell you if something in the strategy is no longer working and needs to change.

While there is the limitation of compliance and privacy requirements, which is apparent in any type of marketing or advertising, the possibilities with AI are endless. The only true limitation is ourselves; humans wondering, “Is this for real?”

To learn more about Supercharge Lab and their AI, Sigmund, visit their website. They also have an Ambassador program where you can get paid for referring your clients to Supercharge. To connect with Anne, schedule time on her calendar for a call.

If you’re looking for another way to increase and diversify your agency’s revenue streams, Agorapulse has a free webinar to help you do exactly that. Head over to to sign up for How To Add Agency Revenue By Adding Social Media Services. Get ready to learn and start driving more revenue from social media services.

And, don’t forget to subscribe to our calendar to get notified before each episode of Agency Accelerated, live Wednesdays this quarter at 2:00 pm ET / 11:00 am PT on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn.

Welcome to another episode of Agency Accelerated. You are in for an amazing show today because listen, look, the marketing landscape is changing with the rise of AI and automation. It’s no longer enough to just have a strategy. You need to create a personalized one that works for each client.

And you need to do this at scale in order to succeed in today’s business world and your agency needs an edge over the marketers and agencies. This interview will give you some ideas on how you can use AI and automation software to improve and personalize your client’s strategies, making them that much more effective.

Welcome back to Agency Accelerated where we explore ways to grow and scale your agency with some of the most trusted brands in the industry. We’re live Wednesdays this quarter at 2:00 PM Eastern time. 11:00 AM Pacific time on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn. So make sure you head on over to forward slash calendar and subscribe so you don’t miss any of this seasons episodes. Hey everyone. I’m Stephanie Liu and I’m here with

Ann Cheng. In today’s episode, we’re talking about how digital marketing agencies can actually leverage artificial intelligence to build and streamlined marketing strategies for their clients.

What that even means. So stay until the very end, because you’ll get a chance to get your hands on yet another way to add more revenue to your marketing agency. So I want to give, to give a huge, huge shout out to our live audience. Shout out to Scott Arrows who gave like, so much love for the cool guitar.

Like I know, right? Isn’t that so much fun, right. And Yvi, who’s all about streamlining systems and all the things. This is going to be an amazing, amazing opportunity for you to figure out how maybe you might want to include AI into that process. Cool? So listen, if your team could create better marketing strategies for your clients faster than ever, how would that impact your business? Start thinking about that because that’s going to be like the key question for today.

Shout out to Anthony. Anthony, you’re back. You’re back from last week’s show, so nice to see you. Awesome. All right, so let’s go ahead and bring on today’s guest. Come on through. Yeah, yeah. My goodness. You guys. In the green room chat, she blew my mind and I was like, what am I even doing with my life? Because she is doing some amazing things. In fact, let me tell you what’s going on right now? So, Supercharge Labs CEO, Anne Cheng is a serial entrepreneur who has sold two of her previous startups.

She’s also the founder of startup nation, a Southeast Asian angel investment fund that she retired from in 2016. Through her experience in the startup ecosystem and consulting through nonprofits, she has worked with both large conglomerates and a variety of startups and emerging technologies. I’m telling you, she’s like wicked smart.

Like, and I’ve, I’ve only spent like a couple of minutes with her. I was like, oh my goodness, I want you in my network and my circle, because she’s just so brilliant. She’s passionate about innovation. And you’re going to hear that today. She’s also passionate about social enterprise and humanitarian causes.

She spends her time. In improving efficiencies, helping small businesses and build sustainable innovations that can impact humanity. She enjoys mentoring, which makes a lot of sense because the startup nation, right? And spends her free time coaching the next generation of future entrepreneurs.

That right there, that’s like passion, legacy, innovation, all the things. Absolutely love you. Love it. Hey, Anne! How are you?

[00:05:05] Ann Cheng: I’m good. Thanks Stephanie for having me.

[00:05:07] Stephanie Liu: Of course, of course. So friends, thank you so much for joining us. Anthony has already got his notepad out. He’s ready to receive and capture the moment. Yes. Anthony, sit in there and soak in all of the goodness from today’s Agency Accelerated episode.

So having said that, Anne, can you start off with sharing more about who Supercharged Lab is and what they offer.

[00:05:30] Ann Cheng: Well, thanks for, thanks for asking. So Supercharge Lab is really a cognitive artificial intelligence company and that’s like three big words, right? Cognitive artificial intelligence. Uh, and what we do is we use AI.

We use deep learning. Well, we use data to analyze the psychological approach to decision making. We apply that information, that knowledge of the psychological approach of every single individual in an audience to a whole bunch of sales and marketing messages, and we basically improve results or campaign ROI.

The truth that we are trying to solve for the problem that we’re trying to solve for is the fact that businesses and brands today kind of suck when it comes to resonating with their audiences. They can’t position themselves very well because if you don’t understand what your audience is looking for in order to make a decision to engage with you, you typically are unable to resonate with that. So, what we have created is a AI engine and we call this AI engine Sigmund. So we take Sigmund, and Sigmund basically scrapes for breadcrumbs of information left by humans all over the internet. So as long as you have an internet presence or a digital presence, we are able to take these breadcrumbs and form a thesis of a psychological profile of you.

And we apply that thesis to the messaging and yeah, we create more effective outreach and communications to audiences. It’s funny. People ask me why these breadcrumbs all the time, like everybody. Is it content? Are you taking my contents and telling me what kind of person I am? It’s not really content.

It’s actually not what you write, because what you write is what you want people to see or know. It’s how you write. So when you write, whether you use leading statements, whether you use more nouns than verbs. All of that is predicated by this voice inside your head. And what we want to do is detect that voice inside your head and tell and see what’s your approach to decision making by saying, okay, if you’re a social proof person, you’re a person who drops a lot of names.

You go straight for reviews. You look for testimonials. You want information about who else is using the solution. By understanding that you’re a social proof person, by the way you use emojis in your Instagram profile, we then serve a few ads that say things like trusted by Kim Kardashian or reviewed by somebody, like Paris Hilton. I don’t know. I’m just dropping some things here. Yeah. So that’s what Sigmund does. Sigmund detects who you are and your view of yourself and it basically tells me exactly how to serve the right ads to you.

[00:08:54] Stephanie Liu: That’s brilliant. Coming from understanding linguistics too, right? Because it’s not necessarily always about the content specifically, like the details of what people say, but what Sigmund is doing is actually looking at the process of how. So it’s deconstructing how are you formulating these sentences based off of your decision making strategy? So whether it’s based off of what you see here, or how you feel about certain influencers or whatnot, but you’re deconstructing on how they communicate. So are they using awareness questions, leading things, testimonials and things like that to really then craft these messages that then go out there. Is that what I’m understanding?

So it’s like literally, if you use more nouns and verbs and more adjectives than bullet points, long form content versus short leading statements, that information, we take that information and we put it into a thesis that says, okay, Stephanie, you’re actually not social proof driven and more of a process driven person. You actually want to know how things worked. So if I told you, this solution costs this much has a breakeven off 11 days, you’ll go well. But if I said, this is how the solution actually works, these are the process steps that make it work. You go, this is so interesting. Tell me more so that peaks your interest that resonates with you and that’s exactly what brands do they need to do. They need to tell the clients exactly what the clients need

Yeah. And so this is fascinating to me because I study a lot as far as, how do you understand your client’s motivation strategy or even your customer’s decision-making strategy?

And some people, they like to see information that’s visual, or sometimes they like to hear it a certain way. So that’s why we have media being consumed, whether it’s video or podcasting and things of that sort, or sometimes you have your, how to learners, which I very much like tell me how, right? Like what’s the step? Like, even in the green room, everyone, Gabriel and Scott. Ella’s like, so wait, wait, wait, wait, you need to tell me how like step-by-step. And I think when you’re able to get that information from Sigmund. It makes it really exciting. And even when you were just describing all of this, it’s kind of like you’re taking, I remember like in psychology and in marketing, we would have to do, what do you call those? They’re like consumer research groups and you would have to bring them into a room and ask them these questions. But because you’re using these digital breadcrumbs, you could scale much faster. Is that what I’m hearing?

[00:11:34] Ann Cheng: You actually do it instantaneously. Literally. I’m not kidding you. So literally, at that moment, Steph, just based on what you were telling me and what, how you responded to me. I gave you what exactly your psychological profile was. The kind of information that you take in, in order to make a position. The thing about it is that on psychology, so I’ll approach the decision making. It’s not as fluid as we’d like to think of. It is 95% of today’s behaviors, especially in a workplace environment, professional environment, it’s very stable. It’s very automatic. If you go Google it, ask Google. How much of behavior is automatic? You’ll see that it’s between 90 to 95%. So we’re not as unique as we thought we were, unfortunately. Sorry guys. I know.

[00:12:42] Stephanie Liu: Yeah, it makes a lot of sense, because I do a lot of training too, especially with agency pitch teams and whatnot. And we talk a lot about communication styles, learning style, decision-making strategies and whatnot, and a lot of how people function, it is automatic. I mean, I always tell people like when you go into the shower, what’s the first thing that you do, you probably don’t even know off the top of your head, but there is a ritual that you do, and there is a ritual that you also do in the decision-making stuff. Oh my gosh. You’re going to kick out so much, like,

Yeah. So here’s another question for you. So for agencies, who perhaps have been working in traditional sales and marketing for a while. Let’s back up a little bit and talk about artificial intelligence. What does that actually mean today? And perhaps even more importantly, where is AI taking us tomorrow?

[00:13:36] Ann Cheng: So, we need to deconstruct this idea of artificial intelligence being this big, scary monster, because it’s not. Artificial intelligence, AI, is really simple. It’s just a tool that does all the dirty work for you. The work that you do every day, repeatedly, day in, day out, the tasks that you absolutely hate, things like scheduling to analysis or research to literally having to not use your head, the 20 things that you don’t use your head for. You just go through the motions, all that automatic behavior. AI takes all of that automatic behavior and takes all those tasks away from you and it frees up your time. It lets you do the work that you enjoy. Things like creative work, strategic work, critical thinking work, connecting with people, like what we’re doing right now. So what AI is currently able to do, is all that repeatable stuff. What AI is trying to start doing right now is actually take a over more humanistic tasks like creative or, that OpenAI has released GPT-3, GPT-4 so a lot of content creation is being generated by AI right now. What we’re trying to do is take all the data points that lead to a sound and rigorous strategy, but trying to take that and put it into one button and you click launch. And literally we’re trying to get that to create that strategic output that you pay McKinseys and Bains lots of money to create. But trying to do that and in a click of a button of a fraction of the cost.

[00:15:35] Stephanie Liu: That’s incredible. So it’s having this ability of accessibility to this new technology that can really help us automate the things that we don’t want to do, which PS, by the way, if you feel like, Yvi is in the audience and is like wait second. I’m interested. Right. And shout out to Anthony who’s in the comments. He’s saying like, who needs notes when you have these awesome sound effects because it is right. It’s helpful. Right? You hear the sound effects and you know, something good just happened. So, and building on top of what you just said in a recent blog post, you talked about how AI allows businesses and agencies to achieve personalization at scale. How does that work, exactly? And how does personalization help agencies and marketers really resonate and connect with their consumers?

[00:16:24] Ann Cheng: So, resonating and connecting with your customers by personalizing your approach, is two prompt, right? So that’s the first side of it is about targeting better by creating new audiences, and adding more customer attributes to the fray. I know like if you go do a Facebook ad or you do a LinkedIn campaign, you already have a lot of attributes, but if you add more psychologically driven or more outcome driven attributes, it’s easier to predict the behavior. So the first way that personalization can be done is understanding your audience by targeting better. The second way AI can help in personalization is in the creation of content. It is by creating the right ad copies up on messages or even creating the right brand voice that will resonate with that audience that you create in the first step by working on these two parts hand in hand, personalization at scale is really quite easy. It translates to more effective campaigns. That ROI is for friends and businesses across the globe. Yeah.

[00:17:52] Stephanie Liu: See? Our audience right now. Yvi Heimann is saying my brain is working overtime right now. Anthony is saying our ability to process a lot of information is the single biggest challenge leaders have. And so, this is fascinating to me because I think about like that Will Smith movie, the AI movie, you know what? When I hear AI, I’m like, okay, Skynet and whatnot. There’s just so many advances that have been made and it’s the fact that you can make this so accessible and applied to our every day. Because as marketers, as agencies, we’re constantly trying to streamline processes and systems and all the different things. And so, personalization at scale. My goodness, that makes me excited because you think about the customer journeys and all the different customer journeys that you can create. Not only that though, but if you need to localize your ad campaigns and understanding the different values, levels and what people find important in their different countries, specific regions, ethnicities, and so on. But oh my God, this is so exciting. I’m fascinated. Yeah. see. That’s my brain.

Yeah. So, Hey everyone, if you’re just tuning in, right. If you’re just tuning in, we’re talking about the incredible capabilities today of artificial intelligence and how you, you, as an agency can use AI to scale your client services. But first, a quick reminder and a bonus. This show is brought to you by Agorapulse voted the number one social media management tool by customers on the planet’s top review sites. And if you’re looking for yet another way to increase and diversify your agency’s revenue streams, Agorapulse has a free webinar to help you do exactly that. I know we’re always giving you like the best of the freebies. So here’s the thing head on over to Bitly forward slash ad agency revenue to sign up, learn and start driving more revenue from social media services. So make sure you do that because we’re always giving you good stuff. Now, another arena and that I’ve seen AI help with is when it comes to understanding audiences. You talked a little bit about this earlier about personalization. Can you expand a bit more on how AI can be used for agencies, you know, like customer journeys and all the different things. What have you seen your clients use it for?

[00:20:15] Ann Cheng: So, there are a couple of players in the market right now and they assess different information and they create different ways to understand your audience. So, one of the companies, which is really well-known in the market is called Affectiva. The owner or the CEO of Affectiva just wrote the book Girl Decoded, and basically, Affective just got acquired by Smart Eyes. What this technology does, is it detects emotion, AI, and there’s this proliferation of emotion, AI all over the AI market. What it does is it’s a technology that came out of MIT media lab, and it uses information about facial recognition, facial cues to understand if a person is in a good, positive, emotional state.

The input data is actually what we call a computer vision. But this avalanche of technologies that have input data, like computer vision, facial recognition, voice technologies, You can literally speak into a microphone for two minutes. And from there they will normalize your tone and literally be able to say, okay, based on your tone and your voice, your visual cues, I know exactly what kind of messages to send you, to serve to you at any right time, to the right person with the right message. We’ve seen AI being applied iteratively to data sets with millions and millions of customer data points and they formed thesis of audience preferences, their behaviors, the triggers, the inclinations, whether they prefer a high-end goods, or the color yellow. This is where Sigmund operates. So Sigmund operates where we get all these millions of customer data points and its text-based, contextual information and we use that data to understand the types of information that creates that triggered behavior, like a purchase or an engagement or a conversion.

By understanding what kind of information, a client needs to ingest in order to make a decision we’re then able to say, okay, this is the best way to position yourself. Whether you want to do a lot of value, financial value based verbiage or pricing information, put prominently on your website. Or maybe you want to use influences or testimonials or brand ambassadors in your marketing strategy if you have predominantly social proof driven audience. So this is something which AI has been expanding on, over the years, and today, building AI models is like I mentioned, getting easier, cheaper, faster, and more accessible.

[00:23:42] Stephanie Liu: This is fascinating to me. All of this is just so fascinating to me. Like I even, I brought up my post-it notes. Well, the fact that you were talking about emotion, AI, it led me to start thinking about micro-expressions and just how you could stay up to date with minute changes in someone’s facial expressions to see whether or not it actually really resonates with them because as we know, when people speak, sometimes it’s just the content, but there’s these underlying values and beliefs that they have. Sometimes the giveaway are those micro-expressions that they give you. And the fact that you do all of this with the computer vision and all the things, for me, it was like, this is like sensory acuity at scale, because I know that if I’m pitching key stakeholders in a board room, I’m naturally paying attention to all of them. And I’m trying to see what really resonates and what connects with them, what stories I can tell to build off of that sales pitch.

And so what you’re saying is that with Sigmund, the fact that you said that is instantaneous, I wanted to give you a standing ovation. I was like, that was incredible. And then the fact that you even took it up a level because I’ve been helping clients deliver their pitches in a sense of, yes, I know someone had reached out to you and said that they’re interested in your workshop or your training. The person that had reached out to you has a different decision making strategy than the person that they have to sell the idea to.

So in this case, it could be your board of directors, your investors, and so, it was exciting to me. And the fact that you could have messaging that’s catered to those different personalities or just those avatars, I guess you could say that, right? Anthony is saying soft feels on steroids. I absolutely agree.

This is where my mind just went like, whoa. This is exciting. My goodness. There’s so many different ways that you can use this. And I’m so excited about it. In fact, you know, I’ve seen tools that use AI to create actual content or conversation flows and you know, when I log in, they’ll do something like, oh, here’s the AIDA framework, which for those of you in marketing, you know, attention, interest, desire, and action, or there’s the problem, agitate solution framework.

How does that actually work? Cause you had mentioned and you said GPT-3, did I say that correctly? You’re the expert. So how does that work? You’re talking about the way to ingest stuff.

[00:26:12] Ann Cheng: Yeah. So it’s not really difficult to understand the creation of content, using AI, but it’s exploded in popularity in recent years. Right? So today they had taught anybody who was in marketing is going to be advertised a bunch of solutions, which says I’m gonna make your ad copy, like really fast, really easy, and it will be relevant and stuff like that. So what has AI been used to do? It takes the grunt work out of researching a couple of things. It takes a bunch of work out of researching, what your competition is using for stuff for the ads. It looks for important keyword opportunities. It predicts your audience behaviors based on your creative copy and optimizes any kind of copy from headlines to ads to CTAs. And the workflow is really simple.

First, you just enter your so-called approved contents, which is you described your event, your product, or your solution that you’re trying to market, and then just choose your use case and hit go. That’s it. The bots most will most likely suggest pieces of content, which you can either choose from, or you can edit, as you see fit. The purpose of this exercise is really to reduce the time taken to do creative work. It’s not supposed to replace creative for altogether because obviously you need to describe your solution that you’re trying to market, but it takes out that grunt work that, oh, what kind of words do I need to use? What kind of keywords are important? Should I optimize the headlines? You know, stuff like that. So that’s what AI in creative content creation, maybe is about.

[00:28:17] Stephanie Liu: That’s brilliant. I love when you said the grunt work, because I’m like, yeah, eliminate the grunt work. So you could create the groundwork for what it is that you want to do. And so friends and what we’re going to cover next. We’ll tie everything we just discussed together and make it super simple for you to get started. But first I want to answer a couple of Anthony’s questions cause he’s like, he’s blowing up the chat, which I absolutely love. And we want to give love to those that show up live. And so Anthony Mistretta, he’s asking, how does AI help with the data challenge getting down to business?

[00:28:52] Ann Cheng: Data. Well in terms of data, AI takes in all that data. And so one thing about data is that, you know, it’s a lot of noise, right? So the most important thing that AI does is that it cuts away the noise. It takes away stuff, which is irrelevant, and puts it into context, it gives you meaning. So it takes all these signals, that if you walk around throughout Shibuya crossing and Tokyo, you’re blasted with like ads and and massive messaging information everywhere. What do you look at?

You don’t even know what you look at. What you’re supposed to look at is the road ahead of you so you don’t trip and fall. But really, people aren’t looking at the road ahead. They’re looking around. So what AI is supposed to do with data is remove the noise and get down to business literally. And the easy way to do it is to create frameworks in which the machines are able to learn. That’s why we have data scientists. A lot of them are there two to guess probabilities calculate stuff, but a lot of it is removing unnecessary data.

[00:30:17] Stephanie Liu: makes sense. It keeps you focused because you think of everything that’s happening. And I love that you mentioned that the Shibuya crossing, I was like, I completely remember that when I was trying to cross, there was everything, there was people in all directions and you’re like, where do I go? And so having AI that will help you filter through that information to help you take out that grunt work, lay the groundwork, build the framework and get started, then that’s absolutely brilliant.

Here’s another question, Anne, from Anthony. Thank you so much, Anthony. PS, by the way, for asking all these questions. His question is, so AI has created a new dimension of personal development and tools.

[00:30:53] Ann Cheng: What are your thoughts on that?

[00:30:58] Ann Cheng: Yes. So, I’ve actually been compared to this company, which has really amazing marketing. We don’t do a good job of marketing ourselves simply because we work with partnerships. But this company called Crystal, huge shout out to them. We get compared to them all the time. And it’s really the use of personality, like your DISC or MBTI to help in hiring and training and stuff like that. There are a whole bunch of players out there for applying psychological profiling to personal development, high performance behaviors. I mean, internally, Supercharge Lab, we have a program where we that would be created just to create high-performance behaviors by understanding how people work and how people interact on a social level at the workplace. So, yes, the truth is, AI, personal development and training and HR and hiring, it’s a massive industry. By the way, it’s interesting because one of our first test cases, test use cases was actually in the hiring and the employment industry. We use segment to see if we could find people the right jobs and match them with the right company.

[00:32:35] Stephanie Liu: wow, that’s really cool. Yeah. As soon as you started talking about the DISC and the MBTI, I was like, wow. So you’re now you’re adding that extra layer of psychological profiles, finding out the emotional drivers, the psychological drivers. This is on a whole another level. I love it. This is brilliant. So for those of you that are tuning in, please, please give the show some love, because I find that this is, we’re expanding our skill sets. We’re hearing about new things, different ways that we could really level up our services and really help our clients. So as a digital marketing agency, let’s say I obviously have a variety of clients and different brands that I work with. Some are even non-profits. Help me wrap my brain around this and everything that we just discussed. How would I go about creating complete marketing strategies from end to end for clients using AI?

[00:33:29] Ann Cheng: So, AI today is becoming so powerful. The development of AI driven engines, has become increasingly more and more democratized and through Supercharge Labs, Sigmund, were attempting to create an end to end solutions for our clients, to do everything from creating strategies to on the channel campaigns, running their programmatic bids, to serving ads, all in one sleek and clean solution, but you’re right. A rigorous strategy, traditionally is something that you spend hours and hours at the drawing board, at the whiteboard. You know, storyboarding. Today, creating that rigorous strategy can be as easy as a few clicks on our platform also the installation of simple code on a client’s website. Sigmund AI can dynamically drive strategies based on client needs and objectives without the client ever needing to define that audience. Write ad copies, or even select the platform to serve the ads. What they can do is put in a piece of code and say, okay, this is my objective click, click, click, launch. And it will tell you, this is the strategy you should go on. These are the platforms you should be serving your ads on. These are the metrics that you should be measuring and dynamically even better than that, dynamically every single day at any single moment that an ad is live. It can tell you, look, it’s not working. Your strategy needs to change. Let’s do it right now. And it does it without you needing to say a thing.

Of course, the only thing that’s really preventing the future of advertising from taking off like a rocket ship are clients. Clients need time to approve stuff, too. Really, we’re limited by the ability of humans to say, this is for real. So that’s really one of the things that we’re limited by. The other thing that’s really limiting AI from taking off is this thing called compliance and privacy requirements. And I think that that goes across anything which is in marketing or advertising. I think with GDPR and compliance, Pepa and HIPPA and COPPA and OPA, um, you know. Data privacy requirements will change the way we operate in the future. The only question is how, and how far will it remove the need for marketing, or will it more than ever require technology to scale those heights. The question is still being an onset of at this point. I think we’re all learning how to operate in a increasingly litigious world, I guess.

[00:36:43] Stephanie Liu: Yeah, that’s true. That’s fascinating. I love that you hit on GDPR and all the different things. In fact, when I was looking at website, and just the fact that you could hit the ground running and start an eight week campaign, that really gives you an idea of the messaging, the platforms, the advertising, and all the different things. I was like, wow. For me as a strategist, right. I have my own processes of things and systematizing and whatnot. And for me, if I can put in the inputs, the information of what I know that I gathered from like my kickoff meeting or the discovery calls with clients and have Sigmund put this together, and develop a strategy that I could then turn around and share the client and say, Hey, this is based off of data and artificial intelligence. And this is what we know based off of the emotional drivers, psychological drivers and all the different things. Let’s test it. That’s to me, that’s fascinating. To me, that’s so fascinating. Yeah. Shout out to Steven. Love when you say the machine learning engineer and marketer nerd in me is going nuts right now. I know, right? Steven. It’s fascinating to me, because I think as marketers, we always want to get the best for our clients. Right. And so we’re always looking for tools and technology that can really help us do that. When you talked about this being instantaneous and being able to do this at scale, like you are not kidding whatsoever. I see this for me, even as a, as a smaller agency is like, how can I bake this into my cost? Right? Yeah. I’m imagining. And you could tell me whether or not this is true, but I’m imagining that when I give my inputs and I go click, click, click, click, click. It’s not only just going to give me a strategy, but give me the reasoning behind it. Is that right? Like, this is why you should be on this platform and put ad dollars against this. Is that right?

[00:38:39] Ann Cheng: So it’s interesting. So what it does, and this is for Steven as a machine learning engineer, you know, I think all of us in AI of what we do is we create thesis based on what the data says. The cool thing about what AI does is that it gives you a confidence score for everything that it recommends. So if it tells you, this is the strategy you should go after. We have a 96% confidence score that is going to work. You should go for it. But if it’s a 50% confidence score and you probably want to think twice. The cool part about machine learning is that every machine learning model always tells you how confident it is that, whatever it’s training is going to consistently create that outcome.

[00:39:32] Ann Cheng: four computers now have primary control of critical vehicle functions.

[00:39:39] Stephanie Liu: That not only am I fascinated, but our tech producer is fascinated as well. And PS, by the way, if any of you have any more questions and Anthony was asking questions earlier, but Steven, Troy, the rest of the crew, if you have any other questions, please go ahead and drop them in now because Anne, this has been fantastic. This has been terrific. How do folks connect with you to learn more about Sigmund and Supercharge

[00:40:04] Ann Cheng: Lab? So you can go to the website, We operate a lot out of LinkedIn because we do a lot of B2B stuff. Join the ambassador program, That’s where you can literally get paid for referring your clients to us, to do the work that you should be doing.

So literally, we pay you to make us do your work, which is kind of weird, but yeah. So, that’s a great way to reach us. Or you can write to me Book a time to chat with me, Happy to have conversations with industry peers.

[00:40:54] Stephanie Liu: That’s exciting. And you glossed over the ambassador program. I was like, there is an ambassador program. If you want to learn more about Sigmund. Shuffle off the referrals over to Supercharge Lab. Then, you know, there’s an opportunity to do that. You get paid for every single client. You refer into their program. I’m actually looking at the website right now, There’s an agreement there and all the different things that you can check out. This is exciting friends. Stephen Love is saying absolutely confidence scoring it’s key. I knew, I knew you guys are going to enjoy this.

We always bring you all the latest and the greatest when it comes to Agency Accelerated. So hey friends, wow. That went by really quick and we covered so much ground. Here’s the thing. That’s all that we have today, friends. And this is going to be an opportunity for you to remember, to subscribe to the calendar, go to for the rest of this season. I’m live next on September 1st with E-camm network, who I absolutely love. September 8th is going to be with Microsoft Advertising and on September 22nd with Square 11 and to take advantage, I want you to take advantage of our free webinar on how to add agency revenue by adding social media services.

So you’re going to head on over to I’m telling you. Here you learned about, about Supercharge Lab, Sigmund, and the ambassador program. Last week, we were talking about Thinkific and how you could add course creator services to that. There’s so much you can do. And I bet you next time, when we come back to regroup to talk about live streaming services, we may even talk about remote live video production, because that’s another thing that you can add to your ad agency services.

So I’m going to take a one more take look at the comments. Oh, Kendra is here because you’re saying such great content and by the way, Kendra is one of the top marketers when it comes to the cannabis marketing industry. And I know that Kendra does a lot of work in understanding that consumer market. And I think having the data, the AI and all the different things to allow you to do that is going to be absolutely brilliant.

All right, friends, thank you so much for being a part of the show. I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did. We’ll go ahead and catch you next week. Thanks so much.

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