Honoring Women Wednesday - Meet Cindy Krum

Honoring Women Wednesday - Meet Cindy Krum

Meet Cindy Krum. Cindy Krum is on a mission to help make the Internet a better place for business. She’ll share tips, tricks, and techniques for mobile marketing and social networking trends that can help your company grow and succeed.

I am the CEO of MobileMoxie, which is a technical SEO consultancy that helps enterprise and mid-sized companies to rank better and get more traffic from search engines – especially mobile search engines including Google mobile, Google Play, and the App Store. We also help with the overall digital marketing strategy, with a focus on mobile and cross-device engagement. We also have a mobile-focused digital toolset that is designed to help all types of digital marketers manage the mobile aspects of their customer engagement.

It is 100% Twitter. I know I probably spend a bit too much time there, but I have worked from home since 2008, and the online SEO community is one of my most prominent social outlets – especially when I’m not traveling. Pre-COVID, the main way I shared my industry knowledge, thoughts, and ideas was to speak at conferences. I absolutely love traveling, and I really love being able to talk through what I am seeing and learning, as I work with clients and observe changes in Google. I am an extreme introvert, but a total geek about SEO, so that is the right balance for me.  

I live in Denver with my fabulous dog Barkley. He is a big part of my life. As a kid, I didn’t like to read because I am dyslexic, but now, as an adult, I love reading because I can listen to books on Audible; I listen when I am walking Barkley, driving, doing housework, or just about any time I can, so sometimes I end up reading as many as 3-5 books per week. I just love learning, so I also spend a lot of time watching documentaries and watching the news. I also love spending time outside, just generally appreciating nature, and Denver is a good place for that.

In general, I always recommend that anyone who is trying to get ahead in marketing is to find a focus that you are passionate about. There are lots of generalists in marketing, so having a focus is something that will set you apart. The focus can be an industry, technical specialty, or topical focus – anything that can help you highlight your strengths, and focus on the things that you enjoy most about your career. So many things in digital marketing are constantly changing or in flux, so narrowing down your focus will also simplify what you really have to focus on and pay attention to – to prevent things from getting overwhelming. 

The best place to find me online is on Twitter – my handle is @Suzzicks. I am also available by email, at cindy@mobilemoxie.com.

I am very excited about the two Chrome Extensions that we have recently launched. One is called the Page-oscope, and it is great for testing landing pages on all different types of mobile devices. It can also show you how JavaScript and Edge SEO might be impacting the success of your page in SEO, CRO or PPC. The other extension that we launched is called the SERPerator. That one lets you see search results and compare how they look on mobile devices from anywhere – locally or internationally. It will also parse the results and give you information like the ‘Pixels from the Top’ and the ’Percent of SERP’ for everything in a search result, including on non-organic results and Google Features like Knowlege Graph and People Also Ask results.

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