Why You Should Try to Write Articles for a Large Publication

Why You Should Try to Write Articles for a Large Publication

I realize how meta this is, writing an article for a large publication about why you should write articles for a large publication. Now that we got that out of the way,it's important that you realize how helpful it is to write for a large publication. 

This one is pretty obvious. When you write content for a large publication, your thoughts and insights are read by a large audience and your brand gets elevated. 

The world of marketing and branding can really be summed up in one word; Ownership. The goal is to own your space. Google owns search, RedBull owns energy drinks and Meta owns social. 

I have spoken about this before, but instead of explaining things to people throughout the day, save yourself the time and just send them a link to the article you've already written on the subject. 

This specific point is relevant to any writing you do, whether or not it's published on a large publication. So, for example, if someone asks you how to create an investor deck, instead of explaining it to them step by step, simply send them an article you've written on the subject. 

When your company is already large, you probably have a marketing team that writes your messaging and copywriting but until then, you, the founder, need to develop your ability to communicate and to write well. Writing for a large publication with millions of readers is a good way to develop those skills. After all, you don't want millions of people to read your typos. 

At one point or another, throughout your journey as a founder, you're going to need to pitch a journalist. Whether it's about your launch, your first financing round, a new partnership, an acquisition, or an IPO, don't underestimate the effectiveness of getting press. 

When you write as a contributor or a columnist for a large publication, you establish relationships with the editorial team. Later on, when you need to pitch those same editors, they already know you and value you as a professional. 

When you want to learn about someone prior to meeting them, there is only one place you look, the internet. And how do you find information about that person on the internet? Google. 

Now when someone Googles you and finds nothing, that is a big red flag. But when they Google you and see all the articles you've written about the industry in which you operate, they instantly and automatically assume that you are a thought leader. 

The best way to establish yourself as an authority in your space is content, and when that content has millions of readers, well, you have a major head start when meeting or engaging with that person or company. 

Generally speaking, large publications became large by writing in a way that people appreciate. Of course this is a generalization and there are absolutely some large websites that are full of fluff, but generally speaking the tolerance for empty buzz words writing for a reputable website is much lower. 

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