How to Create Viral Social Media Marketing Campaigns to Promote Your Business?

How to Create Viral Social Media Marketing Campaigns to Promote Your Business?

We check our smartphones on average 150 times a day. They’re among the first things we engage with in the morning and one of the last we check before going to sleep. We take them with us constantly and everywhere. This means that our social media profiles tag along, too.

Contrary to what many may believe, Facebook wasn’t the first social media. It was actually the e-mail correspondence that started the social interaction in the ‘70s. The first platform that offered befriending of other users and creating profiles was Six Degrees in 1997. In addition, it took almost 10 years from then for Facebook to shape our notion of social network and interaction into what we know today.

Knowing how different platforms work and scope of their socializing abilities is the key to using them as marketing tools. They give you an opportunity to target specific audience since every social media platform has its own demographics. That way you not only save money but time and efforts to reach the target audience.

Another plus side of social media marketing is that you can observe your audience and trends. This will allow you to notice the changes and adjust your campaign accordingly and in time. Through regular communication with your consumers, you will be able to create personalized and more impressionable advertising.

Nevertheless, social media marketing is not only about knowing all the platforms there are. It takes carefully designed campaigns to go viral with promoting your business. And these are some of the instruments every such endeavour should include and take into account.

Every social media has its purpose, demographics, and methods to present the content to the audience. Facebook may seem like enough since it includes images, videos, and text, but it’s always best to increase your online presence. But the obvious social media platforms, like mentioned Facebook and Twitter, aren’t the only ones you should focus on. Google+ has gained considerable attention in the last several years. It now has almost half a billion active users and it’s getting closer to Facebook’s fame.

If your main content consists of images, videos and graphics then you should include Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest and Vine in your marketing campaign. To maximize the exposure of your business you have to create a strong and dynamic social media campaigns. Each of these platforms includes certain user demographics and can help you with reaching your target audience.

When it comes to digital marketing, it’s all about the content. The most common mistake is to use the same content for all your social media profiles. Every platform has its users and that means that you have to adapt your content to fit the specific social media network.

For example, for networks concentrated on visual contents, you have to create high-quality material which tells your story. Approach every social media separately and make sure that your content is tailored-fit for each.

People are tired of being told what to buy. If you directly sell your product or services, you will more likely gain negative publicity. Instead, tell them a story about your product or services. Social media is meant for storytelling, so use it to create interest for your brand.

First, you have to know how to tell a story on different platforms. No matter the form, you have to focus on presenting yourself before selling your product. Your target audience has to gain trust in you and then become interested in all you have to offer.

There are around billion mobile users in the world and all of them can access content on their devices. With that in mind, you should also pay attention that your social media campaign is also smartphone friendly. Targeting mobile users is not advisable but necessary if you want to reach the wider audience. Since people are very dependable of their phones and keep them nearby, mobile marketing is on the rise.

Social media users interact with each other all the time and they will also comment, complain or ask questions on your profiles. It may seem like a time consuming, but having constant communication with your users is important to build trust and reputation for your brand. Never lose your temper or be disrespectful, even when users seem angry or dissatisfied with your product or services.

The way you handle yourself in these situations will create your image in the eyes of other users and potential customers. The statistics say that 42% of users expect to have an answer within 60 minutes. Socializing with your users will give you an advantage over other users, and the manner you resolve the problematic issues will help you convert those users into consumers.

Discounts and sales are something every business practices, but giveaways will give you extra points with your users. However, it’s up to you to decide what you will giveaway. For example, you can give samples of new products or free additional services with your main one. The important thing is that users get to know your business through these promotional products and wish to continue using them regularly.

The key to successful social media campaign is listening to your target audience. This is something you have to employ if you want to be up-to-date with trends and needs of your potential customers. There is software which can help you with this by analyzing data from the social media. SEO for small businesses is something that you should plan at the same time when creating your goals and plans. It will help you create the appropriate campaign based on the keywords, topics, and issues your target audience is interested in.

Social media platforms are currently at their peak levels. Using them in your marketing campaign will help you promote your brand and grow as a business at the same time. In order to reach maximum exposure, use all the available means and design your campaign accordingly. After all, every marketing campaign has to be carefully planned and executed in order to give positive feedback.

Bio: David Koller is a passionate blogger and copywriter for Media Gurus, mainly interested in SEO and Digital Marketing.

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