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How To Bypass Big Brands Bidding Up Your Terms

How To Bypass Big Brands Bidding Up Your Terms

Nothing is more frustrating than having your best terms hijacked by competitors. The holiday season is especially prone to this, as brands scramble to own market share. This...

TikTok SEO: How to Increase Your Discoverability on TikTok

TikTok SEO: How to Increase Your Discoverability on TikTok

According to Google, 40% of Gen Zers prefer to use TikTok over traditional search engines. Gen Z would rather do a quick search on the app and see a visual representation of...

Update Your Approach to Recycled Fiber and Sustainable Packaging Through Leadership

Update Your Approach to Recycled Fiber and Sustainable Packaging Through Leadership

Many factors contribute to the success of a company’s sustainability goals. Some important factors include understanding the value of recycled fiber in the sustainability supply...

Reduce, reuse, recommerce: The first-rate benefits of secondhand selling

Reduce, reuse, recommerce: The first-rate benefits of secondhand selling

People have been reselling items for as long as they’ve been buying them. But the combination of climate change urgency, tightening personal budgets, and advanced e-commerce...

‘Unhinged’ or ‘unleashed’? White House stabilizers gone, Trump calling his own shots

‘Unhinged’ or ‘unleashed’? White House stabilizers gone, Trump calling his own shots

Starlings fly out of a bush and over the West Wing of the White House at sunset on Jan. 22. (Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post) President Trump began the past workweek cutting...

5 Tips To Effectively Use Instagram Stories

5 Tips To Effectively Use Instagram Stories

Stories are all over the place these days and many brands are staying far away from this new, trendy feature simply due to the amount of effort it takes to create a story that...

Report: When to mention your brand in your content

Report: When to mention your brand in your content

When it comes to branded content, tout your organization sparingly for the best results. A recent Pressboard study of branded content revealed that although transparency is...

Five-Step Formula to Craft an Unbeatable Media Pitch

Five-Step Formula to Craft an Unbeatable Media Pitch

In a world of instant gratification, technology, and machine learning, it’s never before been easier to craft media lists and send a media pitch. In a matter of seconds, you...

How B2B Marketers Are Embracing Brand as the Top Driver of Growth

How B2B Marketers Are Embracing Brand as the Top Driver of Growth

A recent B2B International survey* of large businesses serving B2B markets has found optimism among marketers across the US and Europe, many of whom are focusing on brand as a...

How Does the Instagram Algorithm Work?

How Does the Instagram Algorithm Work?

How Does the Instagram Algorithm Work? @cforsey1 Marketing | 4 Min Read To understand how Instagram’s algorithm works, it’s important to consider the purpose behind it: the...

Marketers undervalue the impact of traditional media channels

Marketers undervalue the impact of traditional media channels

Marketers are overestimating the effectiveness and value of digital media channels such as online video and social media compared to more traditional formats such as TV,...

6 Great Ways To Boost Your Brand With Instagram Stories

6 Great Ways To Boost Your Brand With Instagram Stories

It’s also, in many ways, still a safe zone—a happy place to which we retreat to get away from the daily bombardment of frustrating news that clog our Facebook and Twitter feeds....